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The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) is a national youth organization, guided by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP), that commits to develop and empower its members to enable them grow from academic to professional level as future People Managers of society.




Prepare the members to become future People Managers;

Build harmonious relationship and camaraderie among the members;

Provide training and development; Expose members to socially-relevant issues;

Provide avenue for collaboration and partnerships on issues related to people management




Serve as a center for cooperation, collaboration and exchange of information among young college students and graduates on matters relating to People Management thereby assisting in the development of a nucleus of truly professional people managers.

Prepare members in developing and attaining professional competence as they enter the business world through their acquaintance with the prospect and future in People Management.

Assist in the development of a strong and effective linkage between the academe and the business world.

Foster the highest standard of personal integrity by adhering to the code of ethics of JPMAP and PMAP.

Cultivate among members a strong sense of social responsibility in order to contribute effectively to the building of a humane world where everyone has equal opportunities to improve his quality of life.

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